We are just like everyone else!
We just happen to take part in a peculiar hobby called Amateur Radio. Amateur Radio is a hobby radio service. The FCC has long recognized the value of having a hobby radio service that can perform a variety of services including inventing new technologies and performing public service. This is all defined in FCC Title 47, Chapter I, Subchapter D, Part 97.
Many people believe the word Amateur means unskilled. That is not what it means! Amateur means unpaid, it is the antonym for Professional. In fact, the FCC rules specifically state that Amateur Radio operators cannot be paid to communicate as that would be in violation of the intention of the Amateur assertion.
Many Ham Radio (another term meaning Amateur Radio) operators are highly skilled individuals. There’s no requirement for a minimum age specified, in fact, children as young as 6 years old have been licensed by the FCC for Amateur Radio.
Another thing that sets Amateur Radio operators apart is the fact that we have to purchase our own equipment. These days, you can use Echolink on your computer virtually for free. You can purchase low cost Baofeng and Wauxon radios for less than $50 and you can purchase high quality high frequency (aka Shortwave) radios costing up to $10,000 like the YAESU FTDX9000/MP. There is no requirement for any specific radio or service.