- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years, 6 months ago by .
Mercury Amateur Radio Association Northeast will hold it's annual meeting on Saturday October 24th, 2015 starting at 09:00 Eastern Time. Please take time to join the meeting and renew old acquaintances while forging new ones.The meeting is held via a conference call using Skype. You only need to travel to the house computer. No traffic, no hotels, no traffic jams, just the joy of sharing time with other LDS ops and friends while going about the business of building MARA.While the name of the group is MARA Northeast all licensed amateurs are welcome to join. In order to participate in the meeting you will need to have Skype installed on your computer and working. If you have not used Skype before, there is no fee or charge for the download and no fees or charges are imposed by Skype for using the service when calls are peer to peer or peer to multipeer as in conference calls. If you need assistance in installing Skype and creating your UserID then please contact Chuck at wcmoore@verizon.net. I will return your call on a traditional land line and work with you to stand up Skype on your computer.If you have not participated in the MARA Northeast conference call before you will need to exchange credentials with Skype user "tarheelcharlie". Once the credentials are exchanged then joining the conference call that day is as simple as clicking on the icon for the person you are calling which in this case will be Tarheelcharlie.Normally the Northeast group runs a Skype conference call following their HF Net each Saturday. Feel free to join the group. Like the Annual Meeting Conference Call you will need to have exchanged credentials with Tarheelcharlie prior to the call.Please pass the word around about the Annual Meeting and help make this a stellar year.73Chuck WD4HXG
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